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From Hostage To Hero

Sep 30, 2022

Warning: this podcast episode has provocative language and references. Put headphones on around kids or your boss!

Today we’re talking about the size of your dick.

Your VERDICT. Sheesh. Get your minds out of the gutter!

Y’all have a lot of SHAME around your (ver) dick size. 

So let’s put this fear to bed, shall...

Sep 23, 2022

How do you choose to invest in yourself?

Is it when you have the time and money?

Yeah, that’s the WRONG time.

It’s when you are struggling that you need to spend time and money on yourself.

Sound backwards? I know. But it’s not. 

I explain it all in this podcast.



Register for the FREE training, 3 Powerful...

Sep 16, 2022

One question I continue to get is: how do I get more confidence?

What if I told you that you don’t need it?

I’m serious y’all. Confidence is a nice thing to have. It’s definitely something you can have. But you don’t need it to do whatever it is you’re attempting to do.

What you DO need are the three things...

Sep 9, 2022

Today I’m talking about OUR purpose as a company and how that ties into having fun at trial.

Are you having fun at trial? How about in your life?

If not, you’re doing it wrong. BUT you can turn that shit around. I will show you how in this episode.

Give it a listen.


Our new website is live and you're gonna...

Sep 2, 2022

I have some TERRIFIC NEWS!

After a 6-month process, our rebrand is complete and the new website is LIVE!

Going through a rebrand was really clarifying but guess what, if you don’t know what YOUR brand is, you’re gonna want to get on that.

Yeah, you might not need a REBRAND like, for a company, but you definitely need...