Jul 26, 2019
Does body language really make a difference in trial?
You bet it does.
If you want to change your results, you must change your body language.
Great communicators not only have a variety of ways of communicating, they know what skill to use when.
Give the podcast a listen to find out why body language is so important...
Jul 21, 2019
My FB Live from Wednesday 07/17/19 has been uploaded as a bonus podcast episode. This week we discussed "Why You Must Form the Group If You Want to Increase Your Chance of Winning at Trial." Get more episodes at www.saridlm.com/podcast
Jul 19, 2019
You should always make eye contact, right?
We attempt to continually make eye contact because of what we think it means.
But what if you were wrong about what eye contact communicates nonverbally?
Give the podcast a listen to find out what eye contact really means, and how you can be more systematic.
Jul 12, 2019
Are you a good listener? In order to grow as a high performance trial attorney, you MUST be a good listener.
Most people, when they think of “listening,” they only think of one kind. Would you be surprised to find out there are actually THREE types of listening?
If you really want to get good at voir dire, you...
Jul 5, 2019
Do you want to become a high performing trial attorney?
Then you must master nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal mastery isn't something "nice" to have or a cool gimmick. It's essential.
Give the podcast a listen to find out what nonverbal intelligence is, why you need to be more purposeful in your nonverbal...